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updated 12/19/09

Welcome to our Home Page for 2009!

December 12, 2009

The little man of the hour
The cake
Godmother Aunt Lisa, Rev. Marc Drouin, Godfather Uncle Mike
Find the one smiling face in this picture
Rev. Marc Drouin with the Loughlin family
The Loughlin Family
Three smiling faces
That's all folks!


December 5, 2009
The Loughlin family with Santa

Spencer was too scared to sit with Santa. However, he told Santa he wanted fake food for Christmas.


November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving Weekend
On top of the world
Pop Pop and Spencer enjoy desert.
Wildman Spencer and his little brother
The three boys show off their teeth.
Spencer colors a masterpiece.
Spencer tries to figure out GG.


October 31, 2009
Mommy and Mason
A pair of bones
The Loughlins visit the Loughlins
Big Scary Dinosaur
Aunt Lisa and Smiling Mason
The little dionsaur holds up Pop Pop
Happy Mason
Happy Spencer


October 17, 2009

Uncle Dan and Aunt Lisa visited with Spencer and Mason upon returning from
their honeymoon in Hawaii.


September 16, 2009

Cool Dude

Mini Movie


To view
Spencer tap dancing

Click Here.

After "clicking,"please wait about 60 seconds
for the video to download.


September 6-8, 2009
Labor Day Weekend in Maine
with Mimi and Pop Pop
Mason enjoys a snack.
A happy baby is a happy mommy.
Pop Pop and Spencer
Backyard Smiles
Where's my feet?
Look at the sky!
Mason enjoys the view
View from the second floor
Mommy's three boys
Mason a/k/a Chicken Dog
How much is that (chicken) doggie in the window?
Freezing by the the light of the moon
Ohhh....That is SO COLD!
I think I see Amy.
Question: How many in this picture?
Answer: More than three.
Leisure Time  
Snack Time
Mimi and Spencer going
Mimi and Spencer returning

Spencer Loughlin: Puddle Jumper


Mini Movies
After "clicking,"please wait about 60 seconds for the video to download.
To view
Spencer throwing sand on beach

Click Here.
To view
Tommy jumping over Spencer

Click Here.
To view
Spencer out of control with hose

Click Here.
To view
Spencer the crab

Click Here.



August 1, 2009
The Family
Cool Dude
"An apple a day...you know the rest."  
"I'm a musician."
"Me and my favorite brother."
"I love my crib..."  
"...but I REALLY love my new bed."
"Don't tell my mom!"


July 11, 2009

July 2008: Spencer's First Birthday Party
July 2009: Spencer's Second Birthday Party
Same kid, Same venue, Same menu, Bigger Slice
Welcome to my birthday party.
Curious George Cake
I love pizza.

Opening presents
Oh boy, cake and ice cream!
Mouth muzzle


Don't give him any ideas





Cousin Addison and Spencer



Me and my cousins
Mommy and Mason
Guess who
Grammy and Mason
Spencer with Daddy, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, and Mommy
Spencer with cousin Addison and Grampy
Spencer with Daddy, Aunt Lisa, Mommy, Uncle Dan and Uncle Mike
Aunt Lisa and Mimi
Aunt Jody and Uncle Matt
Mimi, Aunt Jody and Grammy
Aunt Lisa watches Uncle Dan assemble Spencer's hot wheels.
The fruits of Uncle Dan's labor
Doug O'Shea and Uncle Mike
Uncle Matt
Grampy, Aunt Zaza and Great Grandpa
Cousin Sydney with her friend, Garrett
Now, I can help Daddy.
Mesmerized by the balloon
Spencer and cousin Ryan
Mommy squirts Spencer.
Spencer gets the last laugh.
Spencer chases dad.
I like to walk on rocks.
Wanna know a secret?
Bye bye Spencer.
Daddy and Spencer clean up.




Coming Soon: Pictures from April, May and June


March memories...

Happy St. Patrick's Day

A rare sleeping moment

Spencer is in charge

Mimi and her little peanut

Look, my baby is no bigger then my thumb!

Mommy, stop sleeping on my head!


Two guys with an attitude

The look of "the cat that just ate the canary."

Ryan with her cousin

Guess who's in charge here.

I love to eat!

Mini Movies
After "clicking,"please wait about 60 seconds for the video to download.

To view
Spencer on his Bike #1

Click Here.

To view
Spencer on his Bike #2

Click Here.

To view
Spencer doing an impression of Uncle Mike

Click Here.
To view
Spencer doing an impression of Uncle Mike, Uncle Dan, Pop Pop and Grandpa

Click Here.

One sunny winter afternoon

Let's go for a walk.
Follow me, Mimi.

I want some snow.

I have a souvenir to take home.

I see rocks.

What's with the camera?


Another souvenir!


Can you put this in the freezer?
We can play with it this summer.


  Baby Stats:



  Mason William Spencer Thomas
February 28, 2009
July 12, 2007
3:11 pm
3:42 am
7 pounds 13 ounces
7 pounds 6 ounces
20 inches
19 inches
Mass. General
Mass. General


About Mason William...

If you're a "baby boomer," the name Mason William may sound familiar. Perhaps you may be thinking of Mason Williams the musician and award winning comedy writer for the "Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour." In 1968, Mason Williams had a major hit with a record called "Classical Gas."

To hear "Classical Gas," click on the picture of the record jacket below.


Time to go home

March 1, 2009

The pictures below were taken one day after Mason William Loughlin was born.
"Click" on the thumbnail picture to open a larger picture.
To make the larger picture even larger, put your cursor over the picture and "click" again.

Meet the Loughlin Family

Amy's three boys

Watch the birdie!

Aunt Lisa

Where's Mason?

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dan

Two Brothers

Mimi and the boys


February 28, 2009

Mason William Loughlin

Birth Announcement
"Click" on the stork below for details.


The pictures below were taken two to three hours after Mason was born.
"Click" on the thumbnail picture to open a larger picture.
To make the larger picture even larger, put your cursor over the picture and "click" again.

Proud Mom and Dad

Happy Dad

Loving Mom

Spencer sees Mason for the first time


Pop Pop

Grandpa and Grammy




Mimi and Grandpa

Amusing Spencer
Grammy and Spencer hide in the locker
Mimi and Spencer patrol the hospital halls


Mini Movies
After "clicking,"please wait about 60 seconds for the video to download.

To view
Dad picking up Mason for the first time

Click Here.

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Spencer kissing his brother

Click Here.

To view
Spencer giving Mason a cheek rub

Click Here.

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To return to the top of this page click here.

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