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updated 12/30/11


Welcome to my Home Page for 2011

Merry Christmas!

Big Grin
Big Smile
Christmas Eve at Sacred Heart Church in Laconia, NH
Mimi, Bridget, and Mom in the church choir loft
Same people different venue
Bridget does her daily back stretch.
Dad and Bridget
Pop Pop and Mimi with a Christmas doll
Don't smile
Sleep in heavenly peace


Ready for Christmas


Happy 3 month birthday
Feeling secure with cousin Ellen Vyce
Mimi and Bridget
Uncle Mike and Bridget
Bridget spends Thanksgiving in Laconia, NH
with cousins Spencer and Mason
Can I keep her?
Proud mommy; Happy baby
Lisa introduces Bridget to GG Huggy
GG Huggy and Bridget (with Binky)
GG Huggy with Bridget (no Binky)
Bridget says "It's been a long day."
Good night everyone.


Cousins Brayden Klett and Bridget



Anyone see a pink sock?
Nice teeth and No teeth
Tweedle Bug


Meet our favorite pumpkin
Pixie of the pumpkin patch
Dad and Bridget
Mom and Bridget


Mom is emotional while Bridget is brave.
Great job, Bridget!
Do I have an opening bid on this baby?
Oh, Happy Day!
Mom, Bridget and Godmother (Ellen Vyce)
Dad, Bridget and Godfather (Tommy Loughlin)
The Klett Family
The Loughlin Family


A visit from Great Aunt Nancy
A tender moment
Snuggle Buddies


Bridget's first trip to
Proud Dad, Sleepy Baby


Bridget and Uncle Ball Game (a/k/a Doug)
Bridget can't take her eyes off Jeff.


During Labor Day weekend, my mom and dad took me on my first trip to Maine.
We stayed in Biddeford Poole at a house on the ocean rented by my Mimi and Pop Pop.
Daddy, Mommy and Bridget
Pop Pop, Mimi and Bridget
The Loughlin family at their weekend getaway
Sandy Shore
Rocky Shore
Question: How many people in this picture?
Answer: More than three.

Mommy's "Peanut"
"Click" here for song (wait about 30 seconds to download)

"Daddy's Little Girl"
"Click" here for song (wait about 30 seconds to download)
The Hangnail Operative
Daddy spots a hangnail on Bridget's toe.
Daddy has a plan of attack.
Daddy carefully bites off the hangnail.
Mission accomplished. No more hangnail.
Daddy checks if Bridget can walk at four weeks old.

Mini Movie

After "clicking, please wait about 60 seconds for the video to download.
Check out Dad and Bridget enjoying a goofy moment. "Click" here.
Lisa says: Hiii!
Dan grunts.
Bridget says: ZZZZZZZZ!
Super Dad and Super Chick
Bridget is mesmerized by Pop Pop
Pop Pop holds a little "China Doll"
Sleepy time
Kevin Fluet meets Bridget
Dan, Bridget and Kevin Fluet with son (Nathan)
During our visit to Maine, we went to Old Orchard Beach.
Mommy stopped by a candy store that made her very happy.
Also, Mommy saw a pizza place named after her.
Lisa's in heaven at Dickinson's Candy Factory
A picture full of sweet things
A sideline business?
A well behaved little girl at Mike's Clam Shack in Wells, Maine
Some "shut eyes" after a long day
Time to go home
Bye bye Maine, until next year.


Sunset on Lake Metacomet, Belchertown, MA


Pretty cute, huh?
Where's my right hand?
Put up your dukes!
Tender Loving Father
Serene Daughter
Bridget and her chauffeur

Happy mommy and happy baby
Bridget enjoys a snooze on the porch.


Loughlin Cousins First Visit
8/7/11 (Sunday)
Bridget meets Mason and Spencer
Need a baby sitter?
Mason's new toy
Uncle Tommy
Daddy and Bridget communicate
Two brothers and a baby
Two moms and a baby


  The Loughlin Cousins Birth Stats:



    Bridget Isabelle Mason William Spencer Thomas
August 3, 2011
February 28, 2009
July 12, 2007
11:36 pm
3:11 pm
3:42 am
7 pounds 5 ounces
7 pounds 13 ounces
7 pounds 6 ounces
20.5 inches
20 inches
19 inches
Mercy Medical Center
Mass. General
Mass. General
Springfield, MA
Boston, MA
Boston, MA


Bridget rides home
8/6/11 (1:41 pm Saturday)
Happy Baby


Bridget's second full day
8/5/11 (Friday)
Great Aunt Di Di Mead visits
Bridget and Mom
The Loughlin family

Bridget's first full day
8/4/11 (Thursday)
Three smiling ladies and a baby
Great Aunt "Ciocia" Sandra
Bridget smiles
Great Grandma "Mimi" Nellie smiles
Mimi Loughlin
Pop Pop Loughlin
Gram Klett
Papa Klett



Oh, What a Night!
Proud Daddy
48 minutes old
Dick Klett and Paulette Loughlin are happy
25 minutes old
Daddy admires Bridget
29 minutes old
Nurse Coreen attends to Bridget
18 minutes old
33 minutes old

Meet Bridget Loughlin
33 minutes old
26 minutes old




Meet the maternity team (Tuesday/early Wednesday)
Mid-wife Carolyn Labadorf (left), Nurse Anna (top) and staff


8/2/11 (Tuesday) 11:28 am
36 hours and 8 minutes before Bridget was born
I'm ready!


Lisa and Dan checked into Mercy Medical Center (Springfield, MA)
Tuesday morning, August 2nd
Entrance to Mercy Medical Center
Family Life Center for Maternity




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