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updated 1/5/14



Welcome to our Home Page for 2013

Bridget and Luke visited their cousins, Spencer and Mason, on Christmas Eve.
To view pictures of their visit, "click" here.



Happy Thanksgiving!
I love my brother.
Big Feet
Mimi's cooking is now ready for Daddy's annual ritual
Daddy completes the mission
Lukie, are you ready to eat?
No, not me!
I'm ready to eat.
Chow time!
Lukie shows off his smile
Don't Blink!
Uncle Mike and Luke engaged in a staring contest
Mimi and Bridget show off their gingerbread house
Mimi's little treasure
Lukie and Pop Pop


"I don't rake them. I just jump into them."
Get out-a-my way!
Daddy's little pumpkin
A couple of swingers


To view a video of Luke's baptism, "click" here.
A Lion King moment
Luke smiles at the candle
Fr. Pedro and the cast of characters
The Happy Family
Godparents: Tim Klett and Allison Mead
Four generations
Mom's family
Dad's family
The Loughlin family
Loughlins and Meads
Uncle Tommy and Auntie Amy's family
Bridget and Mimi
Old friends
New friends


June 4, 2013
Hangin' Out
Future gymnast?


May 28, 2013
Focused on driving
Mommy, I want one of these.
Asheep and a sheep
Luke enjoys the animals
A summary of Luke's farm visit


May 24, 2013
Life is Good!
May 19, 2013
A visit to McCray's Farm in South Hadley, Mass.
Proud Daddy and sleeping baby
Feeding the chickens
Making moosh with vanilla M&M ice cream


May 18, 2013
A visit from cousin Allison Mead

May 16, 2013
It's nice to be home.
Mini Mini Movie
To view a mini movie of Bridget sharing
a tender moment with Luke, "click" here.

After "clicking," please wait about 60 seconds for the video to download.

May 13, 2013
Oh boy...we take Mommy and Luke home today!
Ready to travel
May 12, 2013
I have a new brother!
Pop Pop, Mimi and Luke


Father and Son at birth
Notice any similarities?
58 minutes old

May 11, 2013

A special moment
Luke enjoys an afternoon nap.
Mommy shows off Luke
A happy mommy and daddy and a sleepy baby
Meet the Loughlin family

An afternoon visit from the other Loughlin Family
Luke with Auntie Amy and Uncle Tommy
Luke and cousin Spencer
Luke and cousin Mason
Three guys and a girl


In the still of the night
Pop Pop Loughlin
51 minutes old
Mimi Loughlin
2 hours and 25 minutes old
Papa Klett
Grandma Klett
44 minutes old
61 minutes old

Nurses: Jackie Kilmurry and Becky Roberts
Happy Mommy with Midwife Laura Motyl
1 hour 31 minutes old
Proud Daddy
18 minutes old

Meet Luke Loughlin
37 minutes old
36 minutes old




Lisa and Dan checked into the Baystate Medical Center (Springfield, MA)
shortly after midnight on Friday morning, May 10th.

Lisa was in labor for close to 26 hours.

Baystate Medical Center by night
Baystate Medical Center by day




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